Progress Work: 2nd Presentation and A New Story Arc (Again).
Well, first of all, let me pad Asim and myself on the back for a job well done. Especially Asim who had to do 2 presentation today and haven't been able to get any decent sleep for the past few days. And as the title of this post suggest, we've went on to create another script, which would be our 6th script by the way, and we're very confident with it. So during todays presentation which would include the whole class and our profs, we're able to get laughs throughout the presentation and storyboards (definitely a good sign). Everyone seems to be very happy with our new story ^_^. And our profs (Ed and Galen) had FINALLY given us the green light to proceed with our project. YAY!!!!!!
This is the newer version of the story arc:
This is script for the newer and finalized version of the story:
The camera opens up to an 8 year old kid named Billy playing "cops androbbers" around a park bench. Billy has a bright imagination and tends totake things too far. He is often left unattended and is used to playingalone. Since Billy has no other friends around to play with he tends toimprovise, today he is both the "cop" and the "robber".
Billy jumps on the bench pretending to be the cop and uses his finger as aprop replacement for a gun. "Bang, Bang" he says as he pretends to shoot therobber behind the bench. Suddenly Billy jumps to the other side and takesthe role of the robber, he ducks and covers from the imaginary bullets.Switching places again, he says "Bang, Bang" as the cop. Now back as therobber, "Oooww.I'm hit" he says as he falls to the ground, playing deadgesturing his hand towards the sky as if it was last breath.
A fast approaching figure flies by leaving a trail of blue and red behindhim. He appears to be a super hero. This unknown super hero stops his flightin mid air as he notices Billy on the ground from afar; fearing the worst ofthe situation. He dashes down to ground level to rescue the boy.
Billy bored and tired of his imaginary play gets up and starts to scrape thedirt off his cloths and the many bandages he has on. The bandages are aresult of his rough play outdoors. From behind him our super hero friendapproaches slowly, dropping his shadow onto Billy. Billy noticing the shadowslowly turns around and is awestruck. He isn't scared, he's just sosurprised. As if he ran into a famous celebrity.
The unknown super hero turns out to be Super Michel Jakson (MJ). Billy knowsall about MJ and is very familiar with his "good" deeds.
MJ approaches Billy with a smile, his eyes drop onto Billy's many bandagesand fear emerges. MJ is very worried and tends to exaggerate the situation.Trying to convince Billy he has to be taken to a hospital right a way. MJturns out to be very desperate at helping Billy, regardless of how small thesituation is. Billy looks a little confused then a small smirk shows up onhis face. Billy has an idea; a new fun game to play.
"Aawwww it hurts, it hurts" Billy yells as he grabs his stomach. Billydecides to pretend an injury seeing how devastated MJ can become. Billyslowly fakes a painful death and falls flat on his back.
MJ is shocked and can't think of what to do. Sweat starts poring down hisface as he argues with himself whether he should stay and help the boy orjust leave him there. The situation seems to have turned serious and MJfears he cannot handle it. MJ turns around and looks at the body, suddenlyhe realizes he cannot give in and must help the boy. He dashes over to thebody to check for a pulse but doesn't know how to read it; he tries toperform CPR as well as he can remember but still no response from Billy. MJcan only think of one last maneuver that could save Billy's life. He pullsout a breath freshener and sprays it in his mouth, and then he slowly triesto open Billy's mouth while moving himself closer.
"BOOOOOOO" screams Billy as he jumps up from his previously position. MJresponds with a very loud shriek, suddenly his face is frozen in terror andhis hands clenching his chest as he drops to the ground.
Billy says "Bang Bang!" as he pulls his imaginary gun out. No response. MJis lying silent on the floor. Billy walks over to the body and tries to moveit a little with his foot, still no response. Billy looks around, no one'sthere. He walks away from MJs body while whistling to him self.
To view the presentation and storyboards (Flash Player required), please click here. You have to press Ctrl+Enter to proceed through the slides. Thanks.