Monday, March 12, 2007

10 days before the show

Wow, we have been working at this so hard now just to make sure we finish and we finish with something we can live with to show at the upcoming New Media show. We have been in the lab pretty much all of last week and are going to be camping out in there most of this week and the coming weekend as its our last chance to get things done before the show. So far we have had a lot of Maya crashes and corrupt files, had to start from scratch several times, but managed to pull it off. We have approximately 1 minute animated and I am guessing another minute to go which we HAVE to finish this week. At the same time we are going to start doing overnight renders in the lab using the 20 something computers to our disposal. We have our opening scene ready to render for tonight and it's looking really good thanks to Ferry's persistence and my direction :)

Anyone interested in watching the short and seeing other new media projects can drop by 122 Bond St, downtown Toronto, it is going to run from March 22-24th.

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