Thursday, January 11, 2007

Progress Work: First Look at Billy The Kid in 3D

First of all, let me tell you guys that I'm alive and well. And second, KUDOS, to Asim who applied his magic touch to the Michael Jackson face which I had created and turning it 100 times better than it originally is. You're SUPERB!!! Loved the whole costume too!!!

Putting that aside, this is the first progress work we'll be showing of Billy The Kid in 3D ^_^. This is the basic model that I've created and awaiting for Asim to apply his magic touch (again) to make him better. Than it'll be down to texturing him which we've already predicted should be done by Saturday.

We've also been assigned for our next presentation which is scheduled to be on January 23rd which is in less than 2 weeks. We've decided that by that presentation we'd like to have at least finished the first scene of the movie to be presented in class to get feedbacks about it. So we'd have to get both characters ready (created, textured and rigged) by that time.

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